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Enhancing Security: NIST CSF/ISO 27001 Assessment
Enhancing Security: NIST CSF/ISO 27001 Assessment Case Study: How refreshing a fast-paced technology company’s Security Scorecard lead improved
Cybersecurity Risk is a Board-Level Issue
Elevating Cybersecurity: A Strategic Imperative for Boards This presentation addresses the imperative of understanding and managing cybersecurity risk
Taking the Temperature on AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity in 2024
A cornucopia of infosec insights to chew on these Holidays. In this episode, we carve up concerns around increased specialization and silos forming between red, SecOps, and compliance teams. How can we foster collaboration across the table? What creative recipes can blend different tools into a unified platform? And how can enterprises and SMBs alike ensure all voices are heard before the tryptophan kicks in?
Please pull up a chair and fill your plate with our expert insights from Mark Holtz (Software Engineering at Socotra) and Jeremy Embalabala (CISO at Hub International Limited).
NIST CSF 2.0: Making CISO’s Lives Easier with the New Govern Function
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently unveiled Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF 2.0), marking a
Quick Wins: Risk Assessment
No Security – No Business Highlighting the importance of robust information security management today may seem futile. Businesses
Centralizing ERM Data With a Common Methodology
In the intricate landscape of modern business operations, the significance of robust Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) systems cannot